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Database security management

Safeguard your essential data from both internal and external risks. Mitigate data exposure to ensure the utmost client security.

Partitioning Existing Tables
Performacnce optimization

Our team will conduct an in-depth analysis and diagnosis of any performance issues on a database, irrespective of the platform it operates on. We will then proceed to optimize it for enhanced performance.

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Database backup and recovery

Our team will establish a comprehensive backup and recovery system for your databases. This will significantly mitigate the risk of data loss and reduce potential downtime in the event of a catastrophic incident.

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What DBAzilla do

We design, build and manage secure, reliable databases.

At DBAzilla, we highly recommend prioritizing database management as a critical component of your business operations. We offer a comprehensive suite of database administration services, designed to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Our team comprises experienced database administrators proficient in various platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle databases, PostgreSQL, and more. Furthermore, we possess extensive expertise in working with diverse operating systems, including AIX, Linux, RedHat, and Microsoft servers.

Our primary objective is to furnish your business with a dependable and consistent support system that effectively manages your day-to-day operations. Our resources and experience ensure that your business functions smoothly, providing you with the freedom to concentrate on other critical business areas.

DBAzilla presents an economical solution for business activities that does not compromise on quality. We offer a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your existing team’s performance. We also provide monitoring services for processes linked from the database, such as Prometheus, Grafana, DBA Dash.

Our customer-centric approach is designed to foster a partnership with our clients. We strive to understand your business needs fully and work collaboratively towards achieving your business objectives. Partner with DBAzilla today for an unmatched database administration experience.

Data migration and integration

The migration and integration of a large-scale database were successfully executed, leading to a seamless data flow and improved performance.

Database monitoring and maintenance

Actively monitored and upheld databases to detect potential problems, enhance performance, and avert system downtime.

Database optimization and performance tuning

Enhanced database performance and optimized query processes have been implemented to increase efficiency and responsiveness.

Backup and recovery solutions

Successfully instituted robust backup and recovery solutions, delivery ensuring data integrity and significantly reducing potential downtime.

Database security and compliance

Implemented advanced database security measures and guaranteed adherence to industry standards, regulations, and best practices.

Bug fixes, patches and upgrades

We are committed to rectifying existing bugs and errors within the database. Additionally, we ensure the timely update and patching of existing databases to maintain optimal performance.

Let us know what you need!

Contact us to start the revival of your databases as well as your business.


From our blog

Check out our blogs where we share our knowledge with other DBA colleagues as well as database enthusiasts.

Database Health
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the efficiency of your Oracle database can either be a strong foundation for your business’s success or a […]
PostgreSQL Scrollable Cursors
Navigating the vast oceans of data with precision and efficiency is a challenge we all face in the digital age. As we delve […]
Index Range Scans
In the vast and intricate world of Oracle databases, optimizing query performance is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet, amidst […]

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