Server Management Studio Extensions

Why Use SQL Server Management Studio Extensions?

As we delve into the world of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), we find that it’s a powerful tool for managing SQL Server databases. However, like any great tool, it can be further refined and enhanced with extensions. These add-ons introduce new functionalities and features, broadening the scope of what SSMS can do and streamlining our workflows. But with such a vast array of extensions available, how do we pick the cream of the crop? Well, fret not – we’ve done the heavy lifting for you. In this blog post, we will walk you through some of the top SSMS extensions that can supercharge your SQL Server management. Whether you’re a seasoned SQL developer or an administrator just diving in, there’s something for everyone. So, strap in, and let’s take this journey together!

Top SQL Server Management Studio Extensions

DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE: Enhancing Code Completion and Formatting

Intelligent SQL Code Completion

One of the key features of DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE is its intelligent SQL code completion. This feature is powered by IntelliSense, which provides accurate and instant suggestions as you type. It’s like having a virtual assistant that suggests the correct syntax and object names, allowing us to write our SQL code more efficiently and with fewer errors. Imagine the productivity boost and the amount of time you can save with this feature!

SQL Code Beautifying

DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE goes beyond code completion by offering an impressive SQL code beautifying feature. This feature automatically formats your SQL code, enhancing its readability and consistency. No more spending time manually formatting complex SQL queries or worrying about inconsistent code when working with your team. With DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE, your code will always look tidy and professional.

Code Refactoring Capabilities

Refactoring code can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but not with DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE. This tool provides robust code refactoring capabilities, enabling you to easily rename objects, extract code into separate functions or procedures, and optimize your code with ease. With this feature, maintaining and improving code quality becomes a breeze.


DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE truly lives up to its name by offering a complete set of features that enhance code completion and formatting. It provides an intelligent and dynamic coding environment that can greatly improve your productivity and code quality. With this tool, SQL coding becomes a more streamlined and enjoyable task. So if you’re looking for a powerful SSMS extension, consider DBFORGE SQL COMPLETE. It might just be the tool you need to give your SQL development process a significant boost.

DBFORGE SEARCH FOR SQL SERVER: Streamlining Object Search

One of the key aspects of managing databases is being able to efficiently locate and analyze SQL objects. This is where DBFORGE SEARCH FOR SQL SERVER comes into play. Developed as an extension for SQL Server Management Studio, it considerably simplifies the search process by quickly detecting and locating SQL objects, including databases, tables, views, stored procedures, and functions.

Working with large databases often means dealing with an overwhelming number of tables and other objects. Locating a specific object in such an environment can be akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. DBFORGE SEARCH FOR SQL SERVER is designed to alleviate this challenge with its customizable search options. Here’s what it brings to the table:

  • User-friendly interface that allows you to easily specify your search criteria
  • Ability to search within specific databases, tables, views, stored procedures, and functions
  • A powerful search engine that can also search for specific data or SQL code fragments within objects

The ability to search for specific data or SQL code fragments within objects can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to find specific information stored in your database or troubleshooting specific code segments. You no longer have to manually scan through lines of code or navigate through multiple database objects. By providing a simple and efficient way to locate the required objects and data, DBFORGE SEARCH FOR SQL SERVER can save you significant time and effort, ultimately enhancing your productivity.

DBFORGE MONITOR: Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Database efficiency is crucial in maintaining a smooth workflow and ensuring optimal performance. This is where DBFORGE MONITOR shines as an essential SSMS extension. It focuses on tracking and analyzing SQL Server performance, providing real-time monitoring data. It allows users to view the statuses of servers and databases, track active sessions, and analyze query performance.

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: The first major benefit of using DBFORGE MONITOR is its real-time tracking feature. With this extension, you can observe, in real-time, the performance of your SQL Server. It provides comprehensive data, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network activity. This real-time insight enables administrators to promptly identify and rectify performance issues, preventing them from escalating into more significant problems.
  2. Performance Analyzer: Another prominent feature of the DBFORGE MONITOR is its query performance analyzer. This tool allows you to identify time-consuming queries and optimize their execution. This is particularly invaluable when dealing with large databases and complex queries. By pinpointing the queries that take up the most time and resources, you can prioritize optimization efforts where they are needed the most.
  3. Server and Database Status: Not only does DBFORGE MONITOR allow you to monitor individual queries and sessions, but it also provides an overview of server and database statuses. This holistic view can help you gauge the overall health and performance of your database system at a glance.

In conclusion, DBFORGE MONITOR is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any SQL Server administrator or developer. By offering real-time performance tracking and comprehensive monitoring features, it enables users to maintain optimal database performance and address issues promptly. The ability to pinpoint resource-intensive queries and gain an overview of server and database statuses makes it a must-have extension for anyone serious about efficient database management.

DBFORGE SQL DECRYPTOR: Decrypting SQL Server Objects

Working in an environment that deals with sensitive data often calls for encrypted SQL Server objects. These objects, ranging from stored procedures and functions to triggers and views, are used to safeguard sensitive data and intellectual property. However, they pose a challenge in terms of accessibility as their definitions are not directly accessible. This is where DBFORGE SQL DECRYPTOR steps in.

DBFORGE SQL DECRYPTOR is an SSMS extension that allows users to view and decrypt SQL Server objects with encrypted definitions. The extension becomes particularly invaluable in situations where developers need to understand the logic or modify encrypted objects. By providing a simple and efficient way to view and decrypt these objects, it eliminates the need for complex workarounds or manual decryption processes.

Imagine the time and effort saved by having a tool that decrypts and allows you to understand the logic behind encrypted SQL Server objects. This can be a game changer, especially for developers who work with a vast number of encrypted objects. By using DBFORGE SQL DECRYPTOR, you can focus on understanding and modifying the logic of these objects instead of wasting time on decryption processes.

In conclusion, DBFORGE SQL DECRYPTOR significantly improves the efficiency and productivity of SQL developers. Not only does it simplify the complex process of decryption, but it also aids in the understanding and modification of encrypted SQL Server objects. So, if you deal with encrypted objects regularly, this SSMS extension is a must-have tool in your arsenal.

SQL Prompt: Boosting Productivity with Additional Features

Enriching SSMS with SQL Prompt

SQL Prompt is an extension that aims to fill the gaps in SQL Server Management Studio’s (SSMS) native functionality. We understand that SSMS, while powerful, may not always have everything you need. That’s where SQL Prompt comes in, offering a collection of features that significantly enhance your productivity.

Query Execution History: A Time-Saver

One of the standout features of SSMSBoost is the ability to track and view query execution history. This can be a lifesaver when you want to revert to a previous version of a query, or when you need to troubleshoot performance issues. Unlike manually tracking changes, SSMSBoost’s functional history feature automatically logs your queries, freeing you from the hassle and leaving you to focus on more pressing tasks.

Query Formatting: Enhancing Code Readability

Another valuable feature offered by SQL Prompt is its robust query formatting capabilities. We’ve all seen (or written) code that’s difficult to read and understand. This not only slows us down but can also lead to errors. SQL Prompt addresses this problem by automatically formatting SQL code, making it cleaner and more consistent. With well-structured and easy-to-read code, debugging becomes less of a nightmare and more of a manageable task.

Code Snippets: Boosting Efficiency

SQL Prompt also offers a code snippet feature that can drastically increase your efficiency. This feature allows you to save and reuse pieces of code, eliminating the need to rewrite commonly used SQL statements. Imagine having all your most-used code blocks at your fingertips, ready to be inserted into your script with just a few clicks.

Embrace Productivity with SQL Prompt

In conclusion, SQL Prompt is a comprehensive SSMS extension that fills the productivity gaps left by SSMS. With features such as query execution history, query formatting, and code snippets, it is a powerful tool that can help you work more efficiently and effectively. So why not give SQL Prompt a try and experience a boost in your productivity? After all, we can all use a little extra help when it comes to tackling complex SQL tasks.

It is not just an extension but a guide, teaching us best practices for SQL coding. By identifying and suggesting fixes for our coding errors, SQL Prompt assists us in writing optimal SQL scripts. Over time, we become proficient, and our codes become free of common errors. That’s the beauty of SQL Prompt – it doesn’t just correct our mistakes; it helps us learn from them.

SqlSmash: A Multi-Functional Server Management Studio Extension

SQL Server Management Studio, while a powerful tool in itself, can be made even more versatile with the right extensions. One such extension that stands out is SqlSmash. This multi-functional add-in brings a lot to the table in terms of enhancing the SSMS experience. It offers an array of features that help SQL developers write, format, understand, and execute SQL scripts more efficiently and smoothly.

  • Code Search: SqlSmash allows you to quickly and efficiently search database objects. This feature is particularly beneficial when dealing with large databases. Finding the right table, view, or procedure can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. SqlSmash helps cut down on time spent searching, allowing you to focus more on writing and optimizing your SQL scripts.
  • Code Formatting: Writing clean, readable code is essential for any developer. SqlSmash has a built-in SQL code formatter that helps keep your code structured and consistent. With just a few clicks, you can clean up your SQL queries and maintain a high standard of code quality across your project.

In addition to code search and formatting, SqlSmash also excels in other areas. It provides a convenient way to execute queries and generate insert statements, and it even comes with a robust set of keyboard shortcuts to increase your coding speed. The extension offers both a free and paid version. The paid version comes with additional features that can take your SQL development to the next level.

Finally, it’s worth noting that SqlSmash is not just about providing additional functionalities. It’s about enhancing the overall user experience. The developers behind SqlSmash have gone the extra mile to ensure the extension is user-friendly and intuitive. This focus on usability makes SqlSmash not just a powerful extension, but also a joy to use. SqlSmash is a valuable tool for any SQL developer, helping to increase productivity, improve code quality, and simplify the SQL development process.

Other Noteworthy SSMS Extensions

Aside from the extensions we’ve discussed above, numerous other SSMS extensions can enhance and streamline your experience with SQL Server Management Studio. These tools are designed to fill in gaps, expedite processes, and generally improve your productivity when working with SQL Server.

One such tool is SQL Prompt, a power-packed SSMS add-in that fills in missing features and enhances the overall functionality of SSMS. It provides a set of effective features, such as query execution history, code snippets, and query formatting. This feature is particularly useful in a team setting, where consistent, high-quality code is key to smooth collaboration and efficient project management. By incorporating these extensions into your workflow, you can maximize your productivity and efficiency while working with SQL Server Management Studio.

SqlSmash is another worthwhile SSMS extension that comes in both a free and a paid version. It provides a range of helpful features, such as the ability to search database objects, format SQL code, execute queries, and generate insert statements. The paid version comes with additional features, making it a versatile tool that adapts to your needs, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned SQL developer.

Conclusion: Maximizing SSMS with Extensions

In conclusion, we’ve explored a variety of SQL Server Management Studio extensions that can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. The various functionalities offered by these extensions, ranging from code completion and formatting with DBForge SQL Complete, streamlined object searching with DBForge Search, real-time performance monitoring with DBForge Monitor, to SQL Server objects decryption with DBForge SQL Decryptor, undoubtedly add considerable value to your SSMS experience.

Additionally, we’ve considered the productivity-boosting features offered by SSMSBoost, the multifunctionality of SqlSmash, and the code quality improvements facilitated by SQL Prompt. Each of these extensions, with their unique features, can be beneficial in different contexts, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

However, it’s important to remember that the SSMS extensions we’ve highlighted represent just a fraction of what’s available out there. There’s a wealth of other noteworthy extensions waiting to be discovered, each with unique capabilities that could potentially make your SQL Server Management Studio experience even more effective and enjoyable.

Ultimately, the choice of SSMS extensions boils down to your specific needs, preferences, and the nature of your work. By choosing the right mix of extensions, we believe that you can truly maximize your SQL Server Management Studio experience, streamline your workflow, and achieve greater productivity.

If you don’t know which extension to choose or if you want professional help, you are in the right place. Contact us for help and our experts will make an analysis related to your needs and answer all your questions related to databases.

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