
Unveiling the distinctions: PostgreSQL vs. SQL Server – Navigating the world of database management

In today’s digital era, refined and reliable data management is a non-negotiable requirement for every business. The right choice of database management system (DBMS) can be the make-or-break factor for your organization’s data-driven strategies. When we consider the myriad of DBMS options available today, two giants invariably come into focus – PostgreSQL and SQL Server. These two systems, each formidable in its own right, have their unique strengths and limitations. Through this article, we aim to explore these DBMSs, dissect their features, compare their capabilities, and guide you on your path to making an informed decision about which one might serve your organization’s needs best.

postgresql vs sql server

History and Background

PostgreSQL, often called Postgres, was born in 1996 as an offshoot of the POSTGRES project at the University of California, Berkeley. Over the years, it has grown into a feature-rich, open-source DBMS, known for its extensibility and SQL compliance. Its development has been driven by a diverse, global community of developers, with frequent updates and enhancements making it a popular choice among developers globally.

SQL Server, on the other hand, was developed by Microsoft in the late 1980s. As a commercial DBMS, it has been fine-tuned over the years to integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft products. Its robust feature set and ease of use have ensured its widespread adoption in corporate environments across the globe.

While both systems have evolved significantly since their inception, their roots still influence their design and functionality to a great extent. PostgreSQL’s open-source nature has fostered innovation and flexibility, while SQL Server’s corporate backing has led to a polished, stable product with comprehensive support.


When delving into the architecture of these DBMSs, we can see some stark differences. PostgreSQL follows a process-based architecture. It utilizes:

  1. The PostgreSQL server process manages the database files, accepts connections to the database from client applications, and performs actions on the database.
  2. Individual backend processes for each client connection, which execute the SQL commands sent by the client.
  3. Other auxiliary processes handle tasks like writing logs, managing connections, and so on.

SQL Server, in contrast, employs a thread-based architecture. This includes:

  1. The SQL Server engine controls the database operations.
  2. Multiple threads under a single process, each handling a client connection.
  3. A pool of threads to take care of background activities.

The inherent differences in these two architectures can heavily influence the performance, scalability, and suitability of each system for different use cases.

Language and Syntax

SQL in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL uses standard SQL as its primary query language. It is also one of the few DBMSs that fully comply with the SQL standard, with support for a wide range of SQL features like subqueries, transactions, and user-defined types.

T-SQL in SQL Server

SQL Server, however, utilizes T-SQL (Transact-SQL), an extended version of SQL. T-SQL comes with a rich set of additional features such as error and exception handling, transaction control, row processing, and more.

While both adhere to the SQL syntax, there are considerable differences in their handling of more complex features and functions.

Data Types

PostgreSQL takes the lead when it comes to the number and variety of data types supported. It offers a wide array of data types including arrays, hstore for key-value storage, and JSON for storing document-style data. This flexibility allows PostgreSQL to cater to a variety of applications and use cases.

SQL Server, while not as diverse, does offer a robust set of data types. These include common ones such as integers, strings, and dates, as well as unique identifiers, XML data, and more complex types like spatial and hierarchical data.

Comparatively, PostgreSQL’s data types are more extensible, but SQL Server’s set is more than sufficient for standard business applications.

Functions and Stored Procedures

PostgreSQL shines with its powerful, flexible function capabilities. Some highlights include:

  1. The ability to write functions in various programming languages, extending beyond SQL.
  2. The use of triggers – functions that are automatically invoked upon certain events.
  3. The support for window functions for complex analytical queries.

SQL Server, similarly, also provides rich functionality with its stored procedures. These include:

  1. The use of T-SQL to create complex business logic.
  2. The ability to schedule and automate jobs using stored procedures.
  3. The ease of encapsulating and reusing code with stored procedures.

Administration and Management

Setting up and configuring PostgreSQL can be a daunting task due to its open-source nature. While this does allow for a superior level of customization, it also requires a fair amount of technical expertise.

On the other hand, managing and maintaining SQL Server databases is typically a more streamlined process, thanks to the various GUI tools provided by Microsoft. However, this ease of use does come with a cost as SQL Server’s licensing fee can be quite significant.

Again, PostgreSQL’s strength lies in its flexibility and customization capabilities, while SQL Server’s appeal is in its simplicity and integration with other Microsoft products.

Performance and Scalability

Performance and scalability are crucial aspects to consider when choosing a DBMS. PostgreSQL’s performance benefits largely from its process-based architecture and the ability to handle multiple concurrent transactions efficiently. However, its performance can be impacted by heavy writing activities due to its Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) system.

SQL Server, on the other hand, shines in read-heavy workloads thanks to its robust indexing and partitioning features. It also offers advanced performance enhancements like in-memory OLTP and columnstore indexes.

In terms of scalability, both systems offer robust vertical scaling options. However, when it comes to horizontal scaling, PostgreSQL takes the lead with its built-in support for partitioning and sharding.

Chalking out the clear-cut winner in terms of performance and scalability would be remiss, as the right choice would largely depend on the specific use cases, workloads, and infrastructure of your organization.


Choosing between PostgreSQL and SQL Server is a consequential decision, dependent on numerous factors including your technical requirements, budget, and expertise available in your team. PostgreSQL’s main strengths lie in its open-source nature, flexibility, extensibility, and robust support for SQL. SQL Server, on the other hand, excels in terms of ease of use, seamless integration with Microsoft products, and commercial support.

In the end, both systems have their pros and cons, and the best choice would depend on your specific requirements and constraints. It is recommended to test out both systems in a controlled environment before making the final decision. Ultimately, the right DBMS can catalyze your business’ growth, drive insights, and facilitate informed, data-driven decision-making.

If you are thinking about migrating to PostgreSQL, you can read more about it in our blog post, which can be found at the following link: or contact us to make a successful migration for you according to the highest standards.

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